As an employer, you will want to have a clear understanding of employment law. This is to ensure that you can prevent employment issues from occurring in the workplace. Unfortunately, age discrimination is more prevalent than many may realize. For a business owner, you must know the basics of employment law and The Age Discrimination in Employment Act in particular. As an employer, you must strive to build a diverse workforce for several reasons. With so many intricacies pertaining to employment law, you will want to protect your business by working with a business lawyer right from the start should accusations of discrimination arise. 

Educate Yourself on Employment Law

As a business owner who employs a workforce, you must have some idea of employment law before taking on your first employee. Not only will you want to ensure that you know how to appropriately manage employees, having knowledge of employment law can play a crucial role in preventing legal issues from occurring later on. Key employment law issues you should know about include:

  • Discrimination
  • Minimum Wage
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • FMLA
  • Sexual Harassment

If you own your own business, you will likely have a lot riding on its success. Many business owners do not intentionally set out to disregard employment law. Often they are entirely unaware of it. For help, contact a business lawyer immediately. 

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

Ageism is when someone is treated differently or discriminated against based on their age. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act was put in place to protect employees and prospective employees who are over the age of 40 from discrimination. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits employers from discriminating against an employee when: 

  • Hiring
  • Firing
  • Layoff
  • Promotions
  • +More

As an employer, you will want to prevent age discrimination by not only having an understanding of ADEA but also educating leadership and management about fundamental employment laws. 

Preventing Age Discrimination in the Workplace

As an employer, you will want to have a clear understanding of employment law. This is to ensure that you can prevent employment issues from occurring in the workplace. Unfortunately, age discrimination is more prevalent than many may realize. For a business owner, you must know the basics of employment law and The Age Discrimination in Employment Act in particular. As an employer, you must strive to build a diverse workforce for several reasons. With so many intricacies pertaining to employment law, you will want to protect your business by working with a business lawyer right from the start should accusations of discrimination arise. 

Educate Yourself on Employment Law

As a business owner who employs a workforce, you must have some idea of employment law before taking on your first employee. Not only will you want to ensure that you know how to appropriately manage employees, having knowledge of employment law can play a crucial role in preventing legal issues from occurring later on. Key employment law issues you should know about include:

  • Discrimination
  • Minimum Wage
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • FMLA
  • Sexual Harassment

If you own your own business, you will likely have a lot riding on its success. Many business owners do not intentionally set out to disregard employment law. Often they are entirely unaware of it. For help, contact a business lawyer immediately. 

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

Ageism is when someone is treated differently or discriminated against based on their age. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act was put in place to protect employees and prospective employees who are over the age of 40 from discrimination. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits employers from discriminating against an employee when: 

  • Hiring
  • Firing
  • Layoff
  • Promotions
  • +More

As an employer, you will want to prevent age discrimination by not only having an understanding of ADEA but also educating leadership and management about fundamental employment laws. 

Build a Diverse Workforce

What many may not realize is that age discrimination is prevalent. As a business owner, to avoid discrimination in the workplace, you will want to educate management and your staff on employment discrimination while also building a diverse workforce. Employers can create a diverse workforce and avoid discriminatory issues by keeping the following tips in mind: 

  • Develop and nurture an inclusive culture 
  • Adopt a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination
  • Be open about prospective candidates, look beyond a specific degree
  • Work to refrain from stereotyping
  • Empower your employees

Protect your business by ensuring that you are an inclusive employee who is well versed in diversity. Working with a business lawyer can play an essential role in helping employers to navigate these delicate employee matters. 

Seek Legal Counsel Should Issues Arise

As a business owner, protect your business from discrimination and other employment issues from the start by seeking guidance from a business lawyer. Not only can they help you should you find yourself facing a complaint of discrimination, but they can help to prevent or mitigate employment issues. If you are a business owner with legal questions regarding employment law, you must take steps immediately. 

What many may not realize is that age discrimination is prevalent. As a business owner, to avoid discrimination in the workplace, you will want to educate management and your staff on employment discrimination while also building a diverse workforce. Employers can create a diverse workforce and avoid discriminatory issues by keeping the following tips in mind: 

  • Develop and nurture an inclusive culture 
  • Adopt a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination
  • Be open about prospective candidates, look beyond a specific degree
  • Work to refrain from stereotyping
  • Empower your employees

Protect your business by ensuring that you are an inclusive employee who is well versed in diversity. Working with a business lawyer can play an essential role in helping employers to navigate these delicate employee matters. 

Seek Legal Counsel Should Issues Arise

As a business owner, protect your business from discrimination and other employment issues from the start by seeking guidance from a business lawyer in Maryland. Not only can they help you should you find yourself facing a complaint of discrimination, but they can help to prevent or mitigate employment issues. If you are a business owner with legal questions regarding employment law, you must take steps immediately. 

Thanks to Brown Kiely, LLP for their insight into business law and preventing age discrimination in the workplace.

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